We are excited to announce that the PHS 55th Reunion will be held Sunday, 14 August at the Tacoma Yacht Club. The Yacht Club is located at 5401 Yacht Club Road at Pt Ruston. We plan to kick it off with a no-host bar social hour at 2:30. We will have a BBQ buffet to be served around 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. It will be available for a 2-hour window. Food offerings will be hamburgers, bratwurst, corn on the cob, potato salad, green salad and coffee or iced tea. Bar service will be available until 6:30 or 7:30. Guests may stay longer but no further service will be offered. There will be no formal program or MC so classmates should have lots of time to socialize and reminisce. Casual attire is suggested.
Many of our classmates have vintage, classic, muscle cars, trick trucks, hot rods and/or performance cars. We are planning a Car Show with a window of time for the owners to mingle with classmates by the display. Motorcycles are also welcome. Please check the “car show” box on the registration if you would like a spot in the show area and let us know what type of vehicle you will be bringing.
Total cost for the reunion will be $40.00 per person which includes gratuity. Payment will be due by 8 August. When you register for the reunion, your reservation will be provisional until your check has been received. After you have entered your registration info, click on "Check Out Now." If you are utilizing Pay Pal, continue the check out process as if you were paying by check. Please make your payment as soon as possible either by check to the address provided or, If you are paying by PayPal, log in to your PayPal account and indicate the partial address of (@PHS67). Sharon Tillman's name will come up and you may proceed.
If you attended the 50th Reunion and still have your name tag, we are asking that you bring it with you. Otherwise, the reception team will have self-service name tags.
If you have questions, you may Click on "Contact Us" at the top of this page or call Sharon Tillman at 253-864-0261 or Steve Hiatt at 253-312-1136.
We are hoping to see you there!
Sharon Osness Tillman, for your Reunion Committee